Indian brave, courtesan, slave and the world's loudest snorer: MANY LIVES: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY BY STEPHANIE BEACHAM

New Photo - Indian brave, courtesan, slave and the world's loudest snorer: MANY LIVES: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY BY STEPHANIE BEACHAM

Indian brave, courtesan, slave and the world's loudest snorer: MANY LIVES: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY BY STEPHANIE BEACHAM

Indian brave, courtesan, slave and the world's loudest snorer MANY LIVES: AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY BY STEPHANIE BEACHAM (Hay House £15.99) By JOHN HARDING FOR MAILONLINE Updated: 14:23 GMT, 4 November 2011 Spiritual side: Actress Stephanie Beacham It takes a while to get into this book because first you have to navigate a prologue and not one but two forewords, the first by the author's 11-year-old grandson, who reveals that at 4 a.
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