Harrison Ford, 82, Says Physical Demands of Horseback Riding in 1923 Arent as Daunting as They Look (Exclusive)

Harrison Ford, 82, Says Physical Demands of Horseback Riding in 1923 Arent as Daunting as They Look (Exclusive)
Harrison Ford's impressive horseback riding skills are on display as 1923 returns for season 2. But even at 82, the actor plays coy. "I think the demands are not really as daunting as they look," he tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. Playing Jacob Dutton, the patriarch of the Dutton family and their Montana ranch (the same one that Kevin Costner's John Dutton runs in Yellowstone), Ford is required to be out in the elements, gun-slinging and riding on horseback as his character fights to defend his family's land.
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